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2022-07-19 14:35:31

  Good morning, teachers. I’m No. 1 candidate, applying for primary English teacher. My topic is What’s Your Favourite Food? Now I’ll begin my presentation.

  Warming up

  Good morning boys and girls I am so good to see you again. Before lesson, I would like to ask you some questions. what is your favouirte food? Ok, lucy said potato is her favourite food? Does anyone else agree with him? Wow, a lot of you guys love eating potatoes. Good, potatoes are good for our health, I like potatoes too. Peter, what is your favourite food? Very good, you said you prefer fish. I believe different people have different preference. But that is ok. And we are going to learn lots of delicious food today, do you like it? Yes. Let is see what can we find in this lesson.


  First , let’s look at the pictures. You can see that they are all about food. Ok, can you see the first picuture? Fantastic, what is that? Any volunteer? Put up your hands please. Terrific, you please. Yes, that is eggplant. Eggplant is one of my favourite food. The word is made of egg and plant, but it has nothing to do with the egg. Clear? Good, everybody, read after me, eggplant. Boys read after me, eggplant. Girls read after me, eggplant. Let’s move to the second picture. Who can tell me what is that? Wonderful, I heard someone said “green beans”. Yes, group one, read after me, green beans. Group two Green bean. The last group, green beans. Let’s continue. What is that on the plant in this picture? Any volunteer? No one? Come on, I know you guys can do it? OK, the second chance, what is that in this picture? Good job!That is beef. Do you love beef? Yes.


  Ok, that’s all about the pictures. Next, let’s enjoy a short video. We will listen and see what Jim and Tom do in this video. Right, Let’s begin. Listen carefully. OK, what do Jim and Tom talk about? Well done, Jim and Tom talk about their lunch. How does Jim ask? Do you remember? OK, I can tell you. And how does Tom reply?

  Jim: What would you like for lunch?

  Tom: I’d like some tomatoes and mutton.

  You can see, I have prepared a lot of food here in this picture. There are pork, tofu, tomato,cabbage,onions, noodles, rice. I would like to ask three students to perform the dialogue on the page of 28. One student will act as the waitor and the other two will be the guests. OK, who want to have a try?Raise your hand please. Don’t be shy, just try. Fantastic. Elizabeth, John and Jojo. Come to the stage please. Well done, lets’ give them some applause. It seems that pork, cabbage and tomatoes are your favoutite.

  Please go back to your seat.


  You guys are so confident and smart. I hope that you are creative as well, because I have a task for you right now. Can you make a menu for yourself for next week? You can decide what you eat from Monday to Friday. You can fill the food in the form or you can draw your food on the paper. I will give you 5 minutes. Is that enough for you to finish it? Well, let’s start. Well, time’s up. Anyone wants to share you menu with us? Yes, the girl, please. Wow, very nice pictures, all the food looks tasty, especially the tofu and pork.


  Your pictures make me feel hungry. We have learned so much today. Who can help me to summarize what we have learned in this class? Yes, lilei please. Is that right? Well done, we have learned a lot of food today, such as eggplant, green beans, beef and so on. Also, we have learned to ask people what does he have for lunch and how wo order food.


  After the class, will you tell your parents what you have learned today? Very good. Also, can you write a short story about your favourite food? Wonderful. goodbye.

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